
As Quiet As It’s Kept Sonic Installation: We Made It: A Bed-Stuy Sonic Exchange, DJ Reborn

An exploration of home, community service and legacy.

As Quiet As It’s Kept sonic artist DJ Reborn.

Curated and mixed by DJ Reborn the AQAIK sound collage combines audio interview snippets from resilient Bed Stuy veterans weaved with eclectic music spanning the last four decades to tell the sonic story of life after military duty in a rapidly changing world and neighborhood.

Sound Designer: DJ Reborn is a trailblazing, international DJ, sound collage artist, hip hop theater musical director and arts educator. She has spent the last two decades utilizing her passion for music and her skills as a DJ within these worlds to make an impact. Reborn has a myriad of impressive accomplishments including her time as a DJ/creative writing mentor for teen girls at Urban Word NYC, DJ instructor and curriculum designer for Dubspot and currently as a mentor at The Lower Eastside Girl’s Club.

Bailey’s Cafe presents As Quiet As It’s Kept (AQAIK), a multi-discipline performance installation based on the stories of veterans of color and their role in a changing community under the artistic direction of Monica L. Williams in collaboration with artists from various genres.

#WeMadeIt #ABedStuySonicExchange #DJReborn #AsQuietAsItsKept #AQAIK #BaileysCafe #MAPFund #NYCCouncil #NYCDCA